2021 RECAP

3 min readJan 9, 2022

To be honest I don’t even know how this year went. I don’t remember how it started but I sure do how it ended. I thought this year will be very easy going, calm, going with the flow kinda year. Let me tell you, it was not, well not the whole year tho but this winter semester was hell of a ride. I cried a lot, couldn’t even sleep, couldn’t even think clearly, couldn’t even rest properly cuz I felt anxious. I know I suck at sewing but I was extra, extra shit this year.

Summer felt like any other summer(boring, isolated, no job, broke, trying to avoid any public gatherings cuz I seriously feel very insecure about my broke uni student situation). But what made it better was internship. Made new friends, was busy for a bit, that felt very comforting.

Every year feels like any other year. It just don’t stand out from one another. It feels like I’m living mylife on repeat. I really hope this year will end with some good energy, good news. Hope I don’t feel like shit anymore. Hope I’ll do whatever the fuck I want and seek discomfort. Hope I could say this year was hell of a joyride.

This year I wanna do:

  • Gardening(I always like the idea of growing your own food, nurturing nature, planting trees and flowers)
  • Sewing(I know in my opinion I’m nowhere near sewing quality products, but I wanna have fun with it and try to sew my own wardrobe. Cuz i do it like this stressful never ending choir)
  • Read(This summer when I was quarantining for COVID I discovered the joy of literature through Jack Edwards. I’ve read My policeman by Bethan Roberts and Before the coffee gets cold by Toshikazu Kawaguchi. I was so hooked up by the stories that I’ve finished it like I was binge watching a show)
  • Learn( I would love to learn new skills to bemore interesting to me lol, I wanna find that one creative hobby/skill to entertain myself rather than scrolling through social media)
  • Experiment(What I mean by that is just do stuff not to get succesfull but to see how things work. Just do it with the intentions of having fun, making new memories and learning new fun things)
  • Workout(I love working out just because it gives me instant rush of happiness like runers high. This last semester I didn’t work out so my body is crying for some movement and I’ve been feeling more down than ever. So I wanna push myself more like try running,more yoga, more cardio, take more control of my mind cuz cardios and hiit workouts really know how to challenge your mind to push through your sloppy thoughts)
  • Challenge yourself (Challenge yourself like your doing a Yes Theory video or something, who cares)
  • Meditate( My attention span have shrunk to an extent where I couldn’t even just sit down and think and plan about a certain project. This made me panick so much. Just sit down and breath baby)
  • Cold shower( Discovering Wim Hof was just like discovering some rare element or something It just made me more connected to the elements. I hope one day I’ll go to his retreat)

